Gaining a deep relationship with the audience is the key to extending a brand across social media channels.
I start with profiling my audiences, building personas to better tailor content to each type. I bring awareness of D&I, cultural sensitivity and unique language identifiers into the mix and then start to build content strategies for campaigns and 24/7, 365-day coverage.
I monitor both KPIs and brand feeling, strengthening future content as a result and always feed back into the company in a timely manner.
During my time as a social media manager, I have had crisis management experience (DoveUK, Modiphius, No Man's Sky) and work closely with design and video teams to create high-quality, evergreen content.
Accounts managed:
Modiphius (+ in-house photography)
TechRadar (+ journalism)
SyFyUK - got #avalanchesharks trending in the UK organically
We R Interactive (customer service side)
Hello Games (No Man's Sky - community and customer service side)